hey hey hey those of yous who have learnt English and sometimes post about how you're a bit insecure speaking with first-language English speakers — you're doing great
hey hey hey those of yous who have learnt English and sometimes post about how you're a bit insecure speaking with first-language English speakers — you're doing great
hey hey hey those of yous who have learnt English and sometimes post about how you're a bit insecure speaking with first-language English speakers — you're doing great
@theresnotime are you really sure about that though? ><
(signed, a critter who (according to others) speaks English fluently and basically at native level but feels insecure regarding my English skills around actual native speakers of said language)
@theresnotime are you really sure about that though? ><
(signed, a critter who (according to others) speaks English fluently and basically at native level but feels insecure regarding my English skills around actual native speakers of said language)
@awoo@gts.apicrim.es @theresnotime@fox.nexus youre,, youre not a native???
- posted by Seraphine -
@awoo@gts.apicrim.es @theresnotime@fox.nexus youre,, youre not a native???
- posted by Seraphine@Transbian_Arsonists @theresnotime …yeah I’m not, why does that surprise you?-
@Transbian_Arsonists @theresnotime …yeah I’m not, why does that surprise you?-
@awoo@gts.apicrim.es @theresnotime@fox.nexus idk i just assumed you were,,, ig i never saw you make a mistake
- posted by Seraphine -
@awoo@gts.apicrim.es @theresnotime@fox.nexus idk i just assumed you were,,, ig i never saw you make a mistake
- posted by Seraphine@Transbian_Arsonists @theresnotime …oh, fair ><
(though I thought that it’d be obvious enough considering the assassination coordinat^W^Wlocation I added on my profile (unless you assume that I just migrated over from somewhere(tm), which also is a fair guess))