It's blogroll time
It's blogroll time -
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It's blogroll time could build a full-featured custom RSS reader with Astro with very little effort. That's actually really cool
You could build a full-featured custom RSS reader with Astro with very little effort. That's actually really cool
@volpeon I'm curious now, I've never used or seen whatever RSS is, but it seems to be baked into almost everything I've ever used. I understand it's some sort of feed for news but nothing about it seems clear to me, and I know I'm not alone in that.
Is there a place you'd recommend starting to learn about these, or some insight you can give?
@volpeon I'm curious now, I've never used or seen whatever RSS is, but it seems to be baked into almost everything I've ever used. I understand it's some sort of feed for news but nothing about it seems clear to me, and I know I'm not alone in that.
Is there a place you'd recommend starting to learn about these, or some insight you can give?
@PartlyTermite RSS feeds basically allow you to "follow" a website and you will see all new posts in your RSS reader of choice (the "timeline").
I attached what mine look like with the "YouTube" category open. As you can see, the concept works nicely for a lot of types of content. And I don't even need a YouTube account. :drgn_uwu:
Usually, new items will be marked as unread, which will be marked as read once you open them. This and categories makes it easy to keep track of a lot of sources without missing anything.
And that's really it. Here's a website explaining the concept in way more detail: