Played OpenTTD with the basic FIRS 5.0-beta 3 and "Improved Generic Tram Set" (at which pointed me) and of instead playing 1,5 ,h I played for almost 2,5 h.
Played OpenTTD with the basic FIRS 5.0-beta 3 and "Improved Generic Tram Set" (at which pointed me) and of instead playing 1,5 ,h I played for almost 2,5 h.
So it kept me from going to bed and I might be a little bit tired in the office at the moment. :wvrnFlat:
And I don't even scratched the surface of the FIRS stuff yet... There is still cargo and production chains to be discovered. -
Played OpenTTD with the basic FIRS 5.0-beta 3 and "Improved Generic Tram Set" (at which pointed me) and of instead playing 1,5 ,h I played for almost 2,5 h.
So it kept me from going to bed and I might be a little bit tired in the office at the moment. :wvrnFlat:
And I don't even scratched the surface of the FIRS stuff yet... There is still cargo and production chains to be same happened to me with OpenRCT2. Planned to go to bed at 22:30, actually it was midnight.
- same happened to me with OpenRCT2. Planned to go to bed at 22:30, actually it was midnight. My only problem I have at the moment is: After twelve years of in-game time: I already making several millions a year, so basically I can't lose anymore.
Everything from here on is just expanding.
Maybe I should try the smallest map for a fun little challenge and a nice Diorama effect.