This is a huge, huge problem in queer communities too.
This is a huge, huge problem in queer communities too. Particularly online queer communities, and especially here on fedi. I really can't explain how absurdly heated and frequent the Queer Fedi version of this is. I see it all the time and it's honestly depressing to watch so many people fall for the same tricks time and again.
* If your victims are into ABDL kink, call it “cub porn”, so as to imply that they’re all pedophiles without actually calling them pedophiles (and opening yourself up to the possibility of being sued for libel).
Yep, and here's another fun (/s) one that I often see on this network:
* If their fursonas are typically drawn on four legs, your call-out is going to be about “feral” to imply that everyone involved is a zoophile.
* If they have any kinks that fall remotely under the "non-consent" umbrella, then you'll describe them as a "rapist" and/or "groomer". It doesn't matter if they only ever role-play with consenting adults in a CNC context, just leave that part out and your readers will assume the worst.A random adult that roleplays on the Internet with other consenting adults isn’t inherently a risk to any child, anywhere–no matter how weird you may find their roleplay.
And I write this as someone who is personally severely uncomfortable with many of the kinks in question!
Just because something squicks you personally doesn’t mean it’s harmful. The people that employ the sort of playbook I sketched out above are counting on that initial emotional reaction overtaking your ability to reason.
100%. In my experience, this type of callout often inspires a sense of urgency like "I need to block / boost / get involved immediately!", but that's just another part of the trick. Before doing anything, stop and critically evaluate whether the issue is *time-sensitive*. If not, then don't do anything. Not until you've had a good night's sleep and enough time to mull it over. This gives you a window to "cool off" and think logically about the claims.
To be clear, I'm not saying that you shouldn't have an emotional response to horrible things - that would be absurd! But it's important to avoid acting on emotions alone, at least until you have a logical-based opinion to go with them. Otherwise you risk feeding into the viral effect before knowing whether the claims are even true.People that care about protecting kids from sexual predators don’t creep on strangers then drop intimate conversations into Google Docs to spread on harassment websites.
They help their communities organize resistance to the tactics employed by abusers.
They provide resources and help to people who are at risk of being victimized, or of being groomed into being an accomplice.
This is all boring, thankless, exhausting work–often done under some level of necessary anonymity.
Sure, it doesn’t get you a hundred thousand followers on your favorite social media platform. But having skin in the game and actually helping solve the problem isn’t meant to earn clout.
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