0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/kate/post.py <- works
0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/kate/post.py
<- works0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/BVerwG/post.py
<- does nothing
butpython3 /home/ente/BVerwG/post.py
in the CLI just works fine...
RE: https://hai.z0ne.social/notes/a4cyjaj4f0qc0as8 -
0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/kate/post.py
<- works0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/BVerwG/post.py
<- does nothing
butpython3 /home/ente/BVerwG/post.py
in the CLI just works fine...
RE: https://hai.z0ne.social/notes/a4cyjaj4f0qc0as8@Erpel Have you checked if crond mails you any error messages to
? -
@Erpel Have you checked if crond mails you any error messages to
?@mezzodrinker@social.mezzo.moe nah, not yet but I think O know the error (I call up a file and there might be a problem with the path to that file)
First I will take a shower then I will try a fix -
@mezzodrinker@social.mezzo.moe nah, not yet but I think O know the error (I call up a file and there might be a problem with the path to that file)
First I will take a shower then I will try a fix@Erpel No rush. Enjoy your shower
@Erpel No rush. Enjoy your shower
@mezzodrinker@social.mezzo.moe Yeah... I had a fuckup with the realtive path.
When called from the same folder it just worked, but when you call it from somwhere else it breaks because the script looks for the files at the wrong place.
Was an easy fix but you first had to guess the right way -
0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/kate/post.py
<- works0 * * * * python3 /home/ente/BVerwG/post.py
<- does nothing
butpython3 /home/ente/BVerwG/post.py
in the CLI just works fine...
RE: https://hai.z0ne.social/notes/a4cyjaj4f0qc0as8@Erpel oh yeah, there's a thing with cron that it requires an empty line at the end of the crontab file, something with parser I guess... -
@Erpel oh yeah, there's a thing with cron that it requires an empty line at the end of the crontab file, something with parser I guess...
@duckl1ng@outerheaven.club This time it was just an error with my script....