PSA: Don't use OVH of anything
PSA: Don't use OVH for anything
PSA: Don't use OVH for anything
@MagicLike what did they do now?
PSA: Don't use OVH for anything -I- know why not to, but why are -you- saying it o.0
M shared this topic
PSA: Don't use OVH for anything
@MagicLike oh no.. what now...
- -I- know why not to, but why are -you- saying it o.0
@darkphoenix because they are a incompetent group of clowns
@MagicLike what did they do now?
@Kurt not doing their job
@MagicLike oh no.. what now...
@thibaultmol not doing what I have been charged for
@thibaultmol not doing what I have been charged for
@MagicLike (sorry, saw the post now)
Hope you didn't lose a domain that actually had services behind it. shit either way, but yeah -
@MagicLike (sorry, saw the post now)
Hope you didn't lose a domain that actually had services behind it. shit either way, but yeah@thibaultmol well it was never mine, but it would have been such a wonderful domain for emails and shit :c