concept: chaos event...
concept: chaos event... but without drama and suffering
is this even possible?
@alina yes. one simple way: remove the chaos from it entirely to make it a possibility to begin with
@alina yes. one simple way: remove the chaos from it entirely to make it a possibility to begin with
@navi no
- yeah is it a chaos event if there’s no chaos
- yeah is it a chaos event if there’s no chaos
@puppygirlhornypost2 @alina if it's not, then we've found our answer to the original question: no
@puppygirlhornypost2 @alina if it's not, then we've found our answer to the original question: no
@navi @puppygirlhornypost2 you seem pretty prejudiced and hateful
there is no reason to generalize
@navi @puppygirlhornypost2 you seem pretty prejudiced and hateful
there is no reason to generalize
@alina @puppygirlhornypost2 I might, of course, be wrong.
I don't think so though, which is why I will simply not be at Chaos events in the near future
@alina @puppygirlhornypost2 I might, of course, be wrong.
I don't think so though, which is why I will simply not be at Chaos events in the near future also like how do you all even manage to have a bad time at those huge events. if it sucks just hit the bricks. there are enough creatures at those kind of events to stay far away from bad actors. this one has seen folks and had bad experiences with folks at chaos events but that's usually an annoyance for like 10 minutes of the 100s of hours of good experiences
like, of course there are assholes out there, and even involved in the events themselves, but that's out of principle not stopping it from having fun there
- also like how do you all even manage to have a bad time at those huge events. if it sucks just hit the bricks. there are enough creatures at those kind of events to stay far away from bad actors. this one has seen folks and had bad experiences with folks at chaos events but that's usually an annoyance for like 10 minutes of the 100s of hours of good experiences
like, of course there are assholes out there, and even involved in the events themselves, but that's out of principle not stopping it from having fun there
@49016 @alina @puppygirlhornypost2
How do you even manage to have a bad time
By experiencing, witnessing, or being told of bad things.
There are enough creatures at those kind of events to stay far away from bad actors
This, crucially, did not work for me at GPN22.
An annoyance for like 10 minutes
Yeah, that's less than I had at the single aforementioned event
Of course there are assholes out there [...] but that's out of principle not stopping it from having fun there
I'd rather not go to places in the future when I know assholes will be there, because for me personally that does ruin the fun, while events I go to elsewhere have not mentally screwed me as much
@49016 @alina @puppygirlhornypost2
How do you even manage to have a bad time
By experiencing, witnessing, or being told of bad things.
There are enough creatures at those kind of events to stay far away from bad actors
This, crucially, did not work for me at GPN22.
An annoyance for like 10 minutes
Yeah, that's less than I had at the single aforementioned event
Of course there are assholes out there [...] but that's out of principle not stopping it from having fun there
I'd rather not go to places in the future when I know assholes will be there, because for me personally that does ruin the fun, while events I go to elsewhere have not mentally screwed me as much
@49016 @alina @puppygirlhornypost2
if it sucks, hit da bricks
Imagine you travel from a different country to an event. Now, suppose it sucks. What does hit da bricks mean in the context of "I have a place of stay booked, am there specifically for the event, travelling back home early would incur extra costs, but most/all of my social circle I could otherwise stay at in that city is at the event"?
@49016 @alina @puppygirlhornypost2
if it sucks, hit da bricks
Imagine you travel from a different country to an event. Now, suppose it sucks. What does hit da bricks mean in the context of "I have a place of stay booked, am there specifically for the event, travelling back home early would incur extra costs, but most/all of my social circle I could otherwise stay at in that city is at the event"? (hit the bricks as in going from one hall to another, not leaving the entire event)
- (hit the bricks as in going from one hall to another, not leaving the entire event)
instance where it was possible: i talk to a friend, person that sucks shows up, i say "fuck off" and leave. friend later catches up with me on it
instance where it was impossible: really want to watch a friend's talk, person that sucks shows up everywhere i go that day, so in that talk too
instance where it was possible: i talk to a friend, person that sucks shows up, i say "fuck off" and leave. friend later catches up with me on it
instance where it was impossible: really want to watch a friend's talk, person that sucks shows up everywhere i go that day, so in that talk too this is a bit of a spicy take but going to talks in person is in its opinion incredibly overrated. the free roaming mode of chaos events is much more rewarding and cannot be watched on, and exactly what you mentioned is somewhat unavoidable. that indeed sucks if one wants to catch a talk live, but this is why it largely stopped seeing talks in person. its ratio between held and attended talks in the last 6 months is 1:1 lol
- this is a bit of a spicy take but going to talks in person is in its opinion incredibly overrated. the free roaming mode of chaos events is much more rewarding and cannot be watched on, and exactly what you mentioned is somewhat unavoidable. that indeed sucks if one wants to catch a talk live, but this is why it largely stopped seeing talks in person. its ratio between held and attended talks in the last 6 months is 1:1 lol
this is a bit of a spicy take but going to talks in person is in its opinion incredibly overrated.
I agree with that take, even if I was mad at myself for having missed some of the talks I wanted to see in person. (for example, the train ticket one from 38c3)
its ratio between held and attended talks in the last 6 months is 1:1 lol
oh damn lol, meanwhile um
I've held 0 talks (this most likely won't change since the stuff I want to talk about is nowhere near as interesting as a regular blog article would) and I've attended 0 talks. does this also make the ratio in my case 1:1?