the 44203 can confirm: paper straws *do* work!
the 44203 can confirm: paper straws *do* work! though only barely...
the 44203 can confirm: paper straws *do* work! though only barely...
@awoo ohh it loves the labels on this units visor
@awoo ohh it loves the labels on this units visor
@0x4f4449 samee! ^^
the 44203 can confirm: paper straws *do* work! though only barely...
clarification: I'm not the 44203, it's @1 ^^
the 44203 can confirm: paper straws *do* work! though only barely...
@awoo this one is glad to know that its theory proved to be correct
@awoo this one is glad to know that its theory proved to be correct
@lexi hehe
the 44203 can confirm: paper straws *do* work! though only barely... wait does that not compromise the barier between the clean air inside and the dirty air outside ?
- wait does that not compromise the barier between the clean air inside and the dirty air outside ?
@minekpo1 pawssibly? no idea really though