I'm exhausted
I'm exhausted
I'm exhausted
@volpeon (is this of the cursed emojis?)
I'm exhausted
@volpeon hi Exhausted I'm [incomprehensible vaguely dragon-resembling noises]
@volpeon hi Exhausted I'm [incomprehensible vaguely dragon-resembling noises]
@anthropy :drgn_boop: :drgn:
@volpeon (is this of the cursed emojis?)
@ShadowJonathan No, the current state of everything :wvrnFlat:
@volpeon (is this of the cursed emojis?)
"Haus" is German for "house".
So it just means "I am out of the house". -
"Haus" is German for "house".
So it just means "I am out of the house".@wakame @ShadowJonathan :neocat_boop_woozy:
I'm exhausted
@volpeon hi exhausted i'm dragon
@volpeon hi exhausted i'm dragon
@dragonminded :drgn_boop: :drgn: