what even is inside of a snowglobe
what even is inside of a snowglobe
what even is inside of a snowglobe
For health and safety reasons, white plastic has become more common in the construction of modern snow globes. The liquid has evolved from initially light oil to a mixture of water, antifreeze (ethylene glycol), and glycerol. An added benefit was that glycerol slowed the descent of the snow.
Frostschutzmittel -
For health and safety reasons, white plastic has become more common in the construction of modern snow globes. The liquid has evolved from initially light oil to a mixture of water, antifreeze (ethylene glycol), and glycerol. An added benefit was that glycerol slowed the descent of the snow.
Frostschutzmittel@Erpel drinking antifreeze to defrost my cold heart -
@Erpel drinking antifreeze to defrost my cold heart
@lucy@netzsphaere.xyz it's healthier to pay mia a train ticket I think
@lucy@netzsphaere.xyz it's healthier to pay mia a train ticket I think
@Erpel im broke -
@Erpel im broke
@lucy@netzsphaere.xyz snow globe isn't free either