Finished that pirate Majima game.
Finished that pirate Majima game.
It's... disappointing? But fine? Only if you're a fan of the series? Except it's price because SEGA of course would sell you a tiny game for a full price?
I'm honestly really got tired playing it because it's slow, as the game doesn't know if it wants you to go through the story or wants you to divert into side activities. I also wanted to finish the coliseum at first, as it's required for not-so-secret-for-the-game-series Amon boss, but didn't manage to do it because ship fights are kinda boring.
Also, this game probably has the most nonsensical leveling system, where it barely makes a difference, but you can easily max out Majima on the third chapter of total five. -
Finished that pirate Majima game.
It's... disappointing? But fine? Only if you're a fan of the series? Except it's price because SEGA of course would sell you a tiny game for a full price?
I'm honestly really got tired playing it because it's slow, as the game doesn't know if it wants you to go through the story or wants you to divert into side activities. I also wanted to finish the coliseum at first, as it's required for not-so-secret-for-the-game-series Amon boss, but didn't manage to do it because ship fights are kinda boring.
Also, this game probably has the most nonsensical leveling system, where it barely makes a difference, but you can easily max out Majima on the third chapter of total five.My man Saejima got a badass remix of his Massive Fire theme though: