@schnittchen How weird!
@schnittchen How weird!
@schnittchen How weird!
@catraxx apparently it's one of these "something invisibly is on top of the button" problems, no idea why the devtools are involved (configured them to open in a separate window to rule them out...)
@catraxx apparently it's one of these "something invisibly is on top of the button" problems, no idea why the devtools are involved (configured them to open in a separate window to rule them out...)
@schnittchen Do you have the responsive view active, maybe? Alternatively, if the devtools use space, something might have moved.
@schnittchen Do you have the responsive view active, maybe? Alternatively, if the devtools use space, something might have moved.
@catraxx no, not active. It remains a miracle, but removing something else specific makes the problem go away