The biggest fucking plot twist of this government so far
The biggest fucking plot twist of this government so far
As you may know, in Poland, if you wanna legally change your gender marker, you need to sue your parents
Ziobro, the previous, insanely corrupt and shitheaded minister of justice, put in a request to the Supreme Court on whether trans people should not only sue their parents, but also their spouses and children as wellThe Supreme Court had a high chance to do a PiS-alligned decision based on the current makeup of the judging team, thus making the situation for trans people worse.
But what happened in the end?
The decision from the court was "actually, this whole suing stuff is pointless, and should not happen at all".And since the decisions are legally binding, as of today, it's no longer required for trans people to sue their parents.
Absolutely unexpected, but a glimmer of hope
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