how are phoenix wright and miles edgeworth even allowed to be on the same cases together
how are phoenix wright and miles edgeworth even allowed to be on the same cases together
they are lovers. it's an obvious conflict of interest
how are phoenix wright and miles edgeworth even allowed to be on the same cases together
they are lovers. it's an obvious conflict of interest who's the top though is my question
- who's the top though is my question miles is way too cocky to bend... So there is your top.
Phoenix, could be a switch, but he probably is a bottom, especially the way Franziska treats him with the whip - miles is way too cocky to bend... So there is your top.
Phoenix, could be a switch, but he probably is a bottom, especially the way Franziska treats him with the what if Edgeworth is a power bottom though
- what if Edgeworth is a power bottom though hmmm... Still think that in the Miles-Phoenix relationship the roles are clear.
Otherwise there isn't much evidence otherwise... I just can't see that Miles is a switch or power-bottom - miles is way too cocky to bend... So there is your top.
Phoenix, could be a switch, but he probably is a bottom, especially the way Franziska treats him with the whip - that's also a good point
Too locked in on the law to ever learn about it - that's also a good point
Too locked in on the law to ever learn about hmmm... being asexual is really a good point.
He had a hot female boss and not ever mentioned once how horny he is....
So either too gay for comfort or asexual -
@pierogiburo @Erpel @julia i had a vague memory of him having a daughter but she's adopted
doesnt fit the doesnt know what sex is x has sex bracket -
@pierogiburo @Erpel @julia i had a vague memory of him having a daughter but she's adopted
doesnt fit the doesnt know what sex is x has sex According to wikipedia he as an adoptive daughter
Still would be okay with someone being ace, though