what i struggle to conceptualize is how so many americans can't believe that their fascism can be homegrown, that it is the ultimate interest of capital.
what i struggle to conceptualize is how so many americans can't believe that their fascism can be homegrown, that it is the ultimate interest of capital. somehow it must always be 100% entirely russian chinese influence's fault, with no other factors involved whatsoever
what i struggle to conceptualize is how so many americans can't believe that their fascism can be homegrown, that it is the ultimate interest of capital. somehow it must always be 100% entirely russian chinese influence's fault, with no other factors involved whatsoever
@pierogiburo or from germany, cuz obviously fascism is german, and if the current president isnt german, then its not fascism /s
@pierogiburo or from germany, cuz obviously fascism is german, and if the current president isnt german, then its not fascism /s
@ShadowJonathan @pierogiburo I feel too many USians don't know that Hitler wasn't German
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