the fact that Die Linke is rising in popularity once again is extremely impressive
the fact that Die Linke is rising in popularity once again is extremely impressive
hope they keep this momentum through the election (maybe even become a major coalition partner) -
the fact that Die Linke is rising in popularity once again is extremely impressive
hope they keep this momentum through the election (maybe even become a major coalition partner)@jadetopaz they have the largest amount of members in the history of the party rn :333
@jadetopaz they have the largest amount of members in the history of the party rn :333
@jadetopaz but they won't be a coalition partner (current polls estimate 7-9% for them), not enough time the election is on sunday. But they will be a strong opposition and will keep up leftist arguments in the Bundestag.
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@jadetopaz but they won't be a coalition partner (current polls estimate 7-9% for them), not enough time the election is on sunday. But they will be a strong opposition and will keep up leftist arguments in the Bundestag.
@jadetopaz don't get me wrong I want that to happen, but it is just not realistic...
@jadetopaz don't get me wrong I want that to happen, but it is just not realistic... scheiße
maybe next election.. - scheiße
maybe next election..@jadetopaz yeah we'll see - if you look at the polls, die Linke is literally exploding since Dec, so there is hope