wonder when they’re gonna have to wake the COBOL programmers from cryosleep to fix the date handling in banking systems
wonder when they’re gonna have to wake the COBOL programmers from cryosleep to fix the date handling in banking systems
wonder when they’re gonna have to wake the COBOL programmers from cryosleep to fix the date handling in banking systems
@mia@movsw.0x0.st OH god... Yes...
Let's see in 13 years how many banks will just fail to do any banking stuff because of the 2038 problem -
@mia@movsw.0x0.st OH god... Yes...
Let's see in 13 years how many banks will just fail to do any banking stuff because of the 2038 problem -
@lispi314@udongein.xyz @mia@movsw.0x0.st There will be porbably three types of banks that we see at 19th January 2038, 03:14:07 Uhr UTC
1. Nothing happens because they use a modern software in the background
2. Nothing happens because the IT handled that problem in advance
3. The COBOL system fails big time and all transactions for X days are halted because of it, creating a big mess
We will see in a little less then 13 years I guess -
@lispi314@udongein.xyz @mia@movsw.0x0.st There will be porbably three types of banks that we see at 19th January 2038, 03:14:07 Uhr UTC
1. Nothing happens because they use a modern software in the background
2. Nothing happens because the IT handled that problem in advance
3. The COBOL system fails big time and all transactions for X days are halted because of it, creating a big mess
We will see in a little less then 13 years I guess -
@mia@movsw.0x0.st @lispi314@udongein.xyz Most of the nuclear arsenal stuff of the US military is 70s tech.
Lets hope that the 2038 problem won't do funny stuff with the nukes.