>LVB tram that goes just from the Leipzig Hbf to the Karlsruhe Hbf through a portal or smth
>LVB tram that goes just from the Leipzig Hbf to the Karlsruhe Hbf through a portal or smth
[Leipzig Hbf - Augustusplatz - Johannisplatz - {portal} - Karlsruhe Hbf - Tivoli]
>LVB tram that goes just from the Leipzig Hbf to the Karlsruhe Hbf through a portal or smth
[Leipzig Hbf - Augustusplatz - Johannisplatz - {portal} - Karlsruhe Hbf - Tivoli]
@rampagerslife would LVB have to have 1435mm trams then or would VBK then have compatible rails for the current trams here?