can anybody point me to some info on how to federate postings from my private blog?
can anybody point me to some info on how to federate postings from my private blog? I mean, I would want to make my blogposts appear here and elsewhere when I create them on my CMS. So apparently I would need to extend that CMS a bit and the people behind that CMS are willing to help, but I have no starting point? Help?
can anybody point me to some info on how to federate postings from my private blog? I mean, I would want to make my blogposts appear here and elsewhere when I create them on my CMS. So apparently I would need to extend that CMS a bit and the people behind that CMS are willing to help, but I have no starting point? Help?
@kate Not sure if it's a good starting point, but there at least is
ActivityPub is a bunch of stuff to implement to get things federated, so for whomever wants to tackle this, maybe looking at other implementations might be worth a shot, like the Wordpress AP plugin: