Don't make me mew at you.
Don't make me mew at you.
Don't make me mew at you.
Don't make me mew at you.
@catraxx You can mew at me anytime~
@catraxx You can mew at me anytime~
@RixtonSnek Mew!
@catraxx *countermew~*
@catraxx *countermew~*
- jumps out from hiding QUACK!!!
- jumps out from hiding QUACK!!!
@Erpel @RixtonSnek OMG a duck! Who let you in here?
@Erpel @RixtonSnek OMG a duck! Who let you in here? ​
​ I am the Admin of the Fediverse...
- ​
​ I am the Admin of the Fediverse...
@Erpel @RixtonSnek You are mostly cute.
@Erpel @RixtonSnek OMG a duck! Who let you in here? :duckgun: i take this personally
- jumps out from hiding QUACK!!!
C shared this topic
- :duckgun: i take this personally
@xarvos @Erpel @RixtonSnek Another duck!