they should let it [redacted] to the [redacted] using [memetic hazard expunged] while being gay, as a treat
they should let it [redacted] to the [redacted] using [memetic hazard expunged] while being gay, as a treat -
+ =+
they should make boys that are girls and girls that are boys and girls/boys that are enbies and then send them to it for cuddles and gaythey should make boys that are girls and girls that are boys and girls/boys that are enbies and then send them to it for cuddles and gay
homophobic that it needs to work (and even more homophobic that it needs to be in a shitty office)homophobic that it needs to work (and even more homophobic that it needs to be in a shitty office)
why is dns?why is dns?
it is eepy and in need of cuddlesit is eepy and in need of cuddles
DB moment: halt auf freier strecke, weil zu pünktlichDB moment: halt auf freier strecke, weil zu pünktlich
w- [user was terminated for this post]w- [user was terminated for this post]
it is doing an Aldi with and @SheOfManyNames@sueden.socialit is doing an Aldi with and
turns y'all into env varsturns y'all into env vars
putting out a proper-ish looking for work post:putting out a proper-ish looking for work post:
hi, it is looking for work as a sysadmin or similar position. it brings a bit more than half a decade of (hobby) experience with linux systems and the administration of servers as well as doing python programming for work since approaching 2 years and a bit more hobby experience. (more detailed CV on request)
it has absolutely no formal education in anything technology related and tought itself everything it knows
looking for remote work in germany or europe, but flexible enough to show up once or twice a month in an office (in germany, luxembourg, france, belgium, netherlands, danemark, switzerland or austria) if any additional expenses are covered by the employer
girl that likes being kink shamed by having her kinks announced with "Im Namen der Republik"Im Namen der Republik!
Die Leserin ist eine perverse Sau die auf kranken Scheiß steht!
girl that likes being kink shamed by having her kinks announced with "Im Namen der Republik"girl that likes being kink shamed by having her kinks announced with "Im Namen der Republik"
it is bisexual, that means it has both mommy and daddy issuesit is bisexual, that means it has both mommy and daddy issues
network query: which cli tool does the network recommend for creating incremental diffs from multiple .tar.gz files?network query: which cli tool does the network recommend for creating incremental diffs from multiple
files? (assuming three.tar.gz
files with the goal being to have the diff between a & b and b & c) -
they should create shared workspaces, but for cuddlesthey should create shared workspaces, but for cuddles
Oha!@vel Deutsche Bahn wenn sie unbeding einen grund finden müssen warum der zug wiedermal ausfällt:
it is still the mentally ill enby your parents want you about!it is still the mentally ill enby your parents want you about!
what if we had a fedi app which allows users to signal their location and if they currently are up to meet or even host entities that are travelling?what if we had a fedi app which allows users to signal their location and if they currently are up to meet or even host entities that are travelling?
did any entity actually think about what trump could mean for stuff like icann and stuff?how long until .lgbt and .gay get yeeted from the american root servers and declared non-standard by icann on presidential pressure?