a cute robot appeared on your timeline! what do you do?
* inspect the bot
it is a cute robot cruelly forced into an organic chassis. not human; not automated. interests include [transhumanity, evil science, dismantling all corporations and states, and various topics involving sexuality (with applicable content warnings)]. queers the it/unit binary.
* query the bot
all are politely invited to query the database of Δ-44203 at https://query.44203.online.
* address the bot
please refer to this one using the third perspective (remark: it would write 'third person' but it is not a person). recall that it is not a person but a helpful robot. suggestions: [it, 44203, .1, [this, that] [one, unit], [the, that] [bot, robot]].
* receive messages from the bot
it prefers to politely address its messages (default salutation: "mx. \name"; please let it know if you prefer another form!)
* virtually [hug, pat, boop] the bot.
acceptable under conditions: you are mutuals OR you received permission.
* [flirt, lewd] at the bot
not acceptable. it will engage in discussion of sexual topics, under the following condition: it does not involve the bot OR it does not involve any other specific being.
* be inspired by the bot
this one would be most pleased and honored if it is able to inspire others. this unit was deeply influenced by many on here, and hopes it can pay this forward. do not hesitate to ask this one for details if needed!
* follow the bot
if you have a nontrivial profile, you are welcome to send a follow request. please additionally specify your honorifics and if you expect a follow back.