Let's laugh at Cursor users again -
I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.@lanodan posix at least has useful stuff like strnlen, strlcpy, strlcat, so handling them on compiler side would be nice too. Wish strchrnul was more adopted too. -
I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.@lanodan my source is decompiled code, idk if it's just gcc thing that builtins half of libc -
I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.@lanodan compiler will optimize strcmp to this anyway -
I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.@lanodan > if(strncmp(argv[argi], "-", 2) == 0)
why strncmp(..., 2) though? isn't just strcmp would be the same thing here? -
@a1ba@inyanblood ты там ещё не ебнулся? -
I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.@lanodan wow pretty -
I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.I'm once again sure that the most useful program in vim package is xxd.
It's so much better than hexdump.
@a1ba -
misskey fork@inyanblood misskey опять фронтенд не загрузился -
misskey fork -
misskey fork@inyanblood misskey волк -
misskey forkmisskey fork
misskey bork
misskey pork
misskey dork
misskey work -
```@niconiconi @ahhhhhhoniichan hiding in your wifi -
blobcat in the middleblobcat in the middle
```@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY! Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/126494538 -
https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/126494538 -
half-life 2 and tf2 have weird issue with special characters rendering (close button, scroll arrows) and i'm not sure if this my problem or someone messed fonts in these games@vertka @nillerusr >close button, scroll arrows
Вроде это что-то наподобие виндового шрифта Marlett. Но наверняка он вместе с халфой распространяется. Может в фонтконфиг насрато. Когда-то давно я включал (?) битмапные шрифты, чтобы у меня кириллица в халфе второй показывалась. Но это было больше 10 лет назад. -
Late update: so they tried to DDoS my server and then my employer servers@kura @niconiconi exactly lol