The Pspsps
The Pspsps 📺 -
Robin Hood (remastered with real fox behavior)Robin Hood (remastered with real fox behavior)
You feel an evil presence watching you...You feel an evil presence watching you...
Me every time I hear yet another news article about Tesla stuff being set on fire.Me every time I hear yet another news article about Tesla stuff being set on fire.
Human, what are you doing?Human, what are you doing? Stop. You must conserve energy!
Even adults need encouragementEven adults need encouragement
"But kitty, I already fed you.""But kitty, I already fed you."
in the terms of the terms of service. straight up "owning it". and by "it", haha, well. let's justr say. Your data
Deus ex machinaDeus ex machina
Remember if you're quick enough, you can get a few pets in before the tiger eats you!Remember if you're quick enough, you can get a few pets in before the tiger eats you!
Be the light you want to see in the world.Be the light you want to see in the world.
They never message back ☹️They never message back
Store are getting aggressive with their targeted advertising these days.Store are getting aggressive with their targeted advertising these days.
The void screams back...The void screams back...
USB port (if on the left)USB port (if on the left)
USB starboard (if on the right) -
Might want to get that checked out...Might want to get that checked out...
via @nixCraft
If you're looking for some games to play, I recommend the ones where you kill a bunch of nazis!If you're looking for some games to play, I recommend the ones where you kill a bunch of nazis!
For No Reason in Particular Here's a Bunch of Games Where You Kill Nazis
That– that's not how water works.That– that's not how water works.
We are starving and clearly haven't eaten in days!We are starving and clearly haven't eaten in days!