@volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip The Mastodon network could implement a AI which adds the right hashtags and pic descriptions. As Mastodon users don't do that the AI could have no opt out.
Seriously, nothing as Mastodon is the leading Fediverse software and is only a cheap low quality copy of Twitter. And never planned to be more.
If you seriously want to do something, take some people and write something new.
I'm seeing some posts in my timeline by people who are fed up with the Mozilla drama, and I get it. -
@Citali @volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip A very good idea, welcome in the club ...
@papush@volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip Du kennst die Zeit von Foren und IRC also auch noch. Nun, viel ist davon nicht geblieben.
Es scheint nur mehr Discord, Mastodon und Slack zu geben. Neben Meta, TikTok und X. -
Does a single-user NodeBB instance make sense?@vel@gib.schmus.is @pixel@desu.social @volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip Ok, ich schaue morgen beim DM (Drogerie Markt) vorbei und hole die Nachricht ab.
Does a single-user NodeBB instance make sense?@vel@gib.schmus.is @pixel@desu.social @volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip Wenn ich sie zurück gebe bekomme ich also keinen Finderlohn ?
Does a single-user NodeBB instance make sense?@vel@gib.schmus.is @pixel@desu.social @volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip Wenn Themen verschieben zum Puzzle Spiel wird ...
I'm sure people will appreciate that I now have yet another fedi account at @volpeon ::@volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip @volpeon@bb.wyvern.rip you should code your own contact app ...