gender dysphoria begone (I can shave again now)
gender dysphoria begone (I can shave again now) -
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New blogpost! -
New blogpost!New blogpost!
We need a viable replacement to Discord.
Discord might, according to the New York Times, have an initial public offering soonDiscord might, according to the New York Times, have an initial public offering soon
In other words, external shareholders are going to be able to make decisions about the platform with the end goal of making money / return on investment.
I advise you migrate your DMs somewhere else, you probably don't want your important conversations stuck on a place which will likely become more and more hostile towards users
I do not have a solution for communities, although I wish I did.
why does google have a CAwhy does google have a CA
why do we trust google with that
why does amazon have a CA?
why do they not use it and why do we trust it???
I've been trying to entice people to support me with my recent work on Wafrn but it seems that was in vainNochmal auf Deutsch:
Ich suche nach einem Ort wo ich für 1-2 Wochen übernachten kann.
Ich bin von meinen Eltern welche immer und immer mehr feindlich gegenüber mir wurden abgehauen. Als sie mein ganzes Zimmer ausgeräumt haben ohne mir eine Alternative zu geben, hab ich meine Sachen gepackt und bin gegangen.
Ich hab kein anständiges Einkommen außerhalb von Spenden, derzeit versuche ich hauptsächlich die Zeit zu überbrücken bis ich mit einen Freund im Sommer einziehen und mir einen Job besorgen kann.
Wenn du einen Ort hast um NRW/Hessen rum, bitte melde dich auf Signal bei
Du kannst außerdem spenden um für Essen und Klamotten zu zahlen
Falls ich nicht Antworte tut mir das schrecklich leid, ich fühle mich unglaublich schlecht und habe ein schlechtes Gewissen darüber nach Hilfe zu fragen.
I've been trying to entice people to support me with my recent work on Wafrn but it seems that was in vainI've been trying to entice people to support me with my recent work on Wafrn but it seems that was in vain
so here I am again
I am looking for a place to stay for around a week or two.
I fled my parents which were becoming increasingly hostile, with them clearing out my entire room whilst I wasn't at home and not giving me a replacement as the primarily catalyst for me packing my stuff and leaving.
I have no proper income apart from donations, and am just trying to pad out time until I can move in with a friend later in mid-to-late summer and get a job.
Please, if you have a place I could stay at in NRW or Hesse in Germany, message me at
on Signal.You can also donate to help me pay for food and clothes
If I don't reply, sorry, I feel terribly guilty for asking for help.
An email I received left me speechless.@davidrevoy I propose making them gayer
I owe y'all another one...I owe y'all another one...
I am currently still at the place of a close friend of mine, although I was supposed to leave at the earliest today (so, after 2 weeks) and at the latest in 2 weeks (so, after 4 weeks)
If anyone has space, or advice, please reach out! I cannot make it alone on the streets.
by now I do have a DeutschlandTicket, so distance does not really matter as much as long as there is a reliable connection from Frankfurt Hbf, I will have this ticket until March 28th.
With the donations that came in, I've bought myself some more clothes (primarily, a sweater to keep warm whilst the one I previously had can be washed as well as underwear), food and misc niceties, and now have enough left to pay for next month's DeutschlandTicket and a little extra (think 20-40€)
I do not have WhatsApp, but I am available on Signal at
or anywhere listed on my website