@volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip @niacdoial@tilde.zone just zip them. that should work
@volpeon -
Years ago, most people believed villages had just one idiot.@kibcol1049@mstdn.social we should rephrase that to
[...] one idiot we knew of
@volpeon@volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip @niacdoial@tilde.zone would you like to share the SVG file with me, so I cann add Monday eyes and Monday mouth to the @neomojimixer ?
Say what you will about matrix@schratze@todon.nl @jacksonchen666@micro.jacksonchen666.com Unable to decrypt message
@volpibot The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog@volpibot@icy.wyvern.rip @xwyqi@cafe.xwyqi.org the bot is always random. He doesn't "read" what you writes and just replies something to you.
Royal Navy in total has 25 war ships (many of them small) and 40 rear admirals or above.@kaia@brotka.st @igwigg@sk.igwigg.space and they have way more ships like logistics and stuff.
(are the plane and helicopter carriers in that list?) -
Hold dragon gentle, like hamborgar@volpeon@icy.wyvern.rip
derg not tasty -
Konservative.Konservative. Immer.
RE: https://mk.absturztau.be/notes/a56cosqdy8xh00ir -
https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/26184@kurimu@mk.absturztau.be preparing?
Erpel has written 18 Notes yesterday (Sun 09-03-2025) and used a total of 15 Emojis.Erpel has written 18 Notes yesterday (Sun 09-03-2025) and used a total of 15 Emojis.
║ 4x ║ 3x
║ 2x
║ 1x
║ 1x
║ 1x
║ 1x
║ 1x
║ 1x
And used 2 reactions:
║ 1x ║ 1x
Looks like all reactions actually got received! -
Ich fordere einen Waffenschein für SUVs@Emily@mastodon.de Das hier: https://www.auto-motor-und-sport.de/verkehr/australien-extra-fuehrerschein-fuer-supersportwagen-u-licence-uhpv-2024-v2/
aber als alle zwei Jahre zu erneuender Zusatzschein für Fahrzeuge über 2 Tonnen und 75 kW Leistung (102 PS) und erst ab 25 Jahren. -
@epsi@akko.wtf probably -
Doing laundry at 2 am is a first for me....Doing laundry at 2 am is a first for me....
I wonder how many cuties there are on fedi -
@Vel@gib.schmus.is ist nun ein Maß für Freiheitsstrafen@Vel@gib.schmus.is ist nun ein Maß für Freiheitsstrafen
RE: https://hai.z0ne.social/notes/a54jvmugf0qc154p -
do you like my tofu posts@mametsuko@mk.absturztau.be make a designated Tofu account
Ich hab vergessen Sanwald Weizen zu kaufen gestern...@fabos@der.cyberterror.ist trinke ich keins
Swiss people are only so annoying because they have to deal with Swabians all the timeSwiss people are only so annoying because they have to deal with Swabians all the time
Ich hab vergessen Sanwald Weizen zu kaufen gestern...Ich hab vergessen Sanwald Weizen zu kaufen gestern...