I think it's Nixon.

people posing for selfies are extremely fucking cringe -
people posing for selfies are extremely fucking cringe -
people posing for selfies are extremely fucking cringehihihi, Erpel in jungen Jahren.
Everytime i mute one of @Erpel s bots he just comes up with another one.Everytime i mute one of @Erpel s bots he just comes up with another one.
The French don't fuck around it seems...I was always kinda impressed by their burn things down aks questions later approach to politics but i would not want to have property in Paris.
Tomorrow at work every other person will be in costume and “funny” and by 12 everyone will be loaded. -
Tomorrow at work every other person will be in costume and “funny” and by 12 everyone will be loaded.Well, we have company Teslas so.........
Nah, they'll explode on their own sooner or later. No need to commit a "crime".
Tomorrow at work every other person will be in costume and “funny” and by 12 everyone will be loaded.It depends on the circumstances i'd guess.
Tomorrow at work every other person will be in costume and “funny” and by 12 everyone will be loaded.Mornin' Fedi!
Here we go.
Wish me luck so i don't get any of catsaladss
Tomorrow at work every other person will be in costume and “funny” and by 12 everyone will be loaded.Tomorrow at work every other person will be in costume and “funny” and by 12 everyone will be loaded.
At least there will be Krapfen. -
A side effect of fasting from sweets is that I no longer have a short break.The answer is obviously coffee.
Meet people at the coffee maker, waste 15min, repeat. -
My laptop at home is called the-pond because I think the prompt line ente@the-pond ~$ is funny.Das war ein Kompliment du Ente!!!!!
My laptop at home is called the-pond because I think the prompt line ente@the-pond ~$ is funny.Peak german humour.
Neue Regierung in Österreich vereidigtUnd welchen Posten hat der @fzer0@nerdculture.de ?Da brauch ich ja schon mehr für die Miete, ja!
Für die österreichische Regierung bin ich bei weitem unterqualifiziert.
Play silly games, win shitty prices.Play silly games, win shitty prices.
#MAGA is goint to eat itself sooner or later.
Let it be sooner. -
+++ BREAKING NEWS +++Waaaaas?
Die Pfaffen werden doch nicht etwa lügen! -
+++ BREAKING NEWS +++Falls er wieder lebendig wird?
Gut das dieses "Fasching" am Mittwoch wieder rum ist...Ich werds nicht vermissen (außer die Krapfen)
Freudigen guten Morgen!Freudigen guten Morgen!