||non-native english speaker//andikamo isandono imandoe kanindoae ashke namakandishkka akando ishka amoshi (translation: Otherkin entity extending beyond this realm with homesickness for not being stuck in this vessel, and a deep passionate urge to bring improvement and freedom of form to this realm.)//dama shemai hazkara (translation: My native language is Hazkara) (Not to be confused with a certain false friend word of the same transcription.)//trans rights are universal rights//fight for all//acab//solarpunk//queer as in fuck you//uses reborn os(arch based)//fuck elitists//uses modifed windows//hack the world||minors: parental discretion is advised||
Runs social media and manages some aspects of @vulpinelabs
Bluesky crossposters not allowed nor are those posting links from bluesky nor will i link artists from there
Has bluesky bridge blocked
Supports fedipact
Unable to do alt text due to English barrier and descriptions cause issues with translation layer