maybe dollar: https://github.com/panphora/dollar
though surreal or cash (linked in the reddit post, https://gnat.github.io/surreal/ https://github.com/fabiospampinato/cash ) is an api compatible alternative as well.
Maybe i should unironically start using jquery again -
Maybe i should unironically start using jquery again@fristi@56k.dile-up.nl i had a link to a small api compatible jquery alternative ago. but i dont remember it.
and the old small alternative i knew about (zeptojs) is ancient and not maintained anymore -
Maybe i should unironically start using jquery again@fristi@56k.dile-up.nl https://reddit.nerdvpn.de/r/javascript/comments/1bvwdt2/askjs_modern_jquery_alternative/ky2nne7/?context=3#ky2nne7
maybe check other alternatives?
not saying jquery is bad (it is just bloated. i wonder how jquery 4 will turn out though) -
Late update: so they tried to DDoS my server and then my employer servers@a1ba@suya.place @niconiconi@mk.absturztau.be Ultra DDoS Protocol
Late update: so they tried to DDoS my server and then my employer servers@a1ba@suya.place no legal action? They professionally ddosed your company
Late update: so they tried to DDoS my server and then my employer servers@a1ba@suya.place what happened?
Hah.Hah. Religion.
hai.z0ne.social don't have many users, but man extremely popular posts @Erpel your successful post made me reblog my successful post again.
Wanted to save money and spend less.
Opened window for fresh air.
Guess what?
Neighbors are having a BBQ.
I want BBQ too now.
So I have to fight the urge to go and buy BBQ stuff... -
people posing for selfies are extremely fucking cringe@MagicLike@soc.sekundenklebertransportverbot.de @Erpel flappy wings can do flappy victory signs?
best firefox fork?@kaiiak@wetdry.world @MagicLike@soc.sekundenklebertransportverbot.de ironfox is a maintained fork of mull https://github.com/ironfox-oss/IronFox
best firefox fork?@kaiiak@wetdry.world @MagicLike@soc.sekundenklebertransportverbot.de Libre Wolf on desktop, iron fox on mobile
Ist "Fasching" ein ausreichender Grund für Asyl in Schleswig-Holstein?@Erpel SH hat viele hübsche Flecken
Ist "Fasching" ein ausreichender Grund für Asyl in Schleswig-Holstein?@Erpel understandable. Ich bin froh dass der Norden nicht so faschingwütig ist.
Almost forgot to go voteAlmost forgot to go vote
Ist "Fasching" ein ausreichender Grund für Asyl in Schleswig-Holstein?@Erpel bin gebürtiger schleswig Holsteiner. Und ich sage ja.
Apropos Flachzange ich müsste mal Ersatzklingen für meine Abisolierzange bestellen @vel@gib.schmus.is das ist gut. Will nicht wissen wie eine vier dimensional abisolierzange abgeht. Oder dran?
Apropos Flachzange ich müsste mal Ersatzklingen für meine Abisolierzange bestellen @vel@gib.schmus.is ist die abisolierzange flach?
Signal app internal name is 'thoughtcrime.securesms'@kaia@brotka.st oh god. I don't remember. Years ago. Like tens of years ago probably.