thank you for choosing maximemelian™: the leading supplier in shitposting related content. my toots are hinged... sometimes. 👀
26 year old pan enby involved in MLM (things with Macs, Linux and Mainframes)
kinda cute, kinda quirky. too fem for your favorite femboy subreddit. too hot for tinder.
music video connaisseur.
switched off birdsite, metasite and discord within one year, mental health has been recovering ever since then...
crypto and techbros can go fuck themselves. you're making it worse for everyone. if you decide to annoy me anyway, i will block you and/or make fun of you. definitely not sorry. :^)
so called influencers unaware of their privileges should also refrain from interacting with me. i just can't help myself understanding your weird mental acrobatics to justify whatever suits you best in this moment. your main character syndrome annoys everyone in public. go away.
feds, especially the police and law enforcement of any kind, will be blocked immediately. your self chosen carrer harms people i care about. you've chosen this path so deal with it.
mutual follow enforces mandatory headpats when requested.
26 year old pan enby involved in MLM (things with Macs, Linux and Mainframes)
kinda cute, kinda quirky. too fem for your favorite femboy subreddit. too hot for tinder.
music video connaisseur.
switched off birdsite, metasite and discord within one year, mental health has been recovering ever since then...
crypto and techbros can go fuck themselves. you're making it worse for everyone. if you decide to annoy me anyway, i will block you and/or make fun of you. definitely not sorry. :^)
so called influencers unaware of their privileges should also refrain from interacting with me. i just can't help myself understanding your weird mental acrobatics to justify whatever suits you best in this moment. your main character syndrome annoys everyone in public. go away.
feds, especially the police and law enforcement of any kind, will be blocked immediately. your self chosen carrer harms people i care about. you've chosen this path so deal with it.
mutual follow enforces mandatory headpats when requested.
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