tldr: Intentionally mis-spelling words (including names) that involve politics actively harms the most vulnerable in our society. You can help by simply including and properly spelling important words and names. Bonus points for using CWs
Let's establish a few things
・We're on fedi (including Mastodon), so there is no shady algorithm hiding your posts from people because you said a word it didn't like.
・Vulnerable minorities have limited spoons on account of *gestures broadly at the world*.
・Vulnerable minorities use word filters on fedi to make it so we don't have to see "you're currently being genocided, have fun~ " 30 times a day.
・Mis-spelling words (especially the names of famous figures) or omitting them altogether allows your post to sneak past those filters.
With that all laid out, you can see why mis-spelling or omitting important words related to your post can actively aid fascists in their oppression of minorities by robbing us of what precious few spoons we have. Making sure to include relevant words and spell them correctly is an easy way to actively resist the fascists and help marginalised people in your every day life
#SocialJustice #Fedi #Mastodon #FediTips
p.s. This goes *doubly* for anything you think people NEEEED to see, ok?