@catraxx I do have a 2-channel Yamaha amp, with an XLR input and some quarter-inch and RCA. But I don't have a mic for it anymore, the one I had broke. The one I was using is a USB mic.

So I've been learning to sing lately, targeting a specific style that I'd like to do some like bluesy folk-punk with. -
So I've been learning to sing lately, targeting a specific style that I'd like to do some like bluesy folk-punk with.@catraxx
So I've been learning to sing lately, targeting a specific style that I'd like to do some like bluesy folk-punk with.The second song didn't come out as well for two reasons:
1. It's heavy metal, a lot more screaming/loud singing
2. it really pushes into the upper part of my range and I miss a lot of notesStill, I wanted to share it because it's a lot of fun to sing and there are still some sections that come out really well IMO, especially the very end. It's worth showing my limitations as well as strengths.
Song is The Vampyre by He Is Legend
#music #cover #singing #demo #vocalCover #Rochester #newYork #CNY #heIsLegend #vampyre #metal #heavyMetal #punk
So I've been learning to sing lately, targeting a specific style that I'd like to do some like bluesy folk-punk with.So I've been learning to sing lately, targeting a specific style that I'd like to do some like bluesy folk-punk with. I got a couple done this morning and I'm pretty excited to share. Unfortunately the quality isn't the best as I just have a cheap podcasting mic and it clips hard when I get loud. Some of the better-sounding bits of the loud singing in this come from me actually putting the mic fully behind my back, so if anyone has any recommendations for a cheap mic that can handle a lot of volume LMK.
The first is Greenback Boogie by Ima Robot, I really like how this one came out.
If anyone knows any poets or people who play instruments who'd want to collaborate, I'd like to meet some folks. Especially if you're in the CNY area.
#music #demo #cover #vocalCover #singing #imaRobot #greenbackBoogie #suits #Rochester #newYork #CNY
It's pretty damn hard lately to get any favs at all.@catraxx pretty good, recording a demo track rn so that's fun
It's pretty damn hard lately to get any favs at all.@catraxx For me, it's just dumb luck. I haven't seen your shit in the timeline for a while. Saw this though.