@a1ba @Radical_EgoCom There are also counter revolutionaries, liberals, terrorists, spies, foreign agents, etc. Police in socialist states are not used to uphold slavery, segregation or brutalize marginalized groups like they do in capitalist countries.

ACCAB - All Capitalist Cops Are Bastards -
ACCAB - All Capitalist Cops Are Bastards@a1ba @Radical_EgoCom It is different there. The reason that cops are bastards is because they use violence to uphold the interest of capital. Using violence against the bourgeoisie doesnt make you a bastard.
ACCAB - All Capitalist Cops Are Bastards@a1ba @Radical_EgoCom You can check out Chinese, Cuban, DPRK, Vietnamese, Laosian and Eritrean cops. Also the Soviet Union doesnt exist anymore so; however, cops are now doesn’t show how cops were back then.
ACCAB - All Capitalist Cops Are BastardsACCAB - All Capitalist Cops Are Bastards