Squish that derg.
Squish. That. Derg.

Squish that derg. -
This is your brain:This is your brain:
This is your brain on dergs:
I may be a dragon, but you absolutely cannot trust me with fire.I may be a dragon, but you absolutely cannot trust me with fire.
Y’know, real life dragons, if capable of flight, would probably evolve to be more aerodynamic than the way we tend to portray them.Better hoard. Just a bowerbird with a special interest in blue.
While magpies aren’t actually prone to collecting shinies like popular stories suggest, satin bowerbirds do collect blue things during the mating season to attract a suitable mate. -
Y’know, real life dragons, if capable of flight, would probably evolve to be more aerodynamic than the way we tend to portray them.Proof:
Hoard. -
Y’know, real life dragons, if capable of flight, would probably evolve to be more aerodynamic than the way we tend to portray them.Y’know, real life dragons, if capable of flight, would probably evolve to be more aerodynamic than the way we tend to portray them. Some feathers for insulation and for additional lift wouldn’t hurt. And they’d probably be a bit reduced in size to be lower in weight compared to surface area of the wing.
Look, all I’m saying is how do we know birds aren’t dragons?