@mischievoustomato huh, well I just took a look and it actually seems quite alright - I would've just gone for GtS since I'm more familiar with it than with anything else tbh
@lanodan posix at least has useful stuff like strnlen, strlcpy, strlcat, so handling them on compiler side would be nice too. Wish strchrnul was more adopted too.
@toast@donotsta.re in my experience option and result have lots of functions that do similar things so its a bit confusing. sometimes i ended up searching for the call signature instead of the name to find what i wanted
@lucy@netzsphaere.xyz @eemmaa@netzsphaere.xyz @mia@movsw.0x0.st hmm... do you need to do an oil coating like with a cast iron pan or is this managed with just adding a little bit of oil while making the waffles?