days since jade is willing to get (or rather, wants) a visor: 0
just did it again (for both yesterday and today)
it happened again
it happened again
good job @lexi
good job @lexi
Edited 9 times
yeahhhh some unit should help me get my hands on and somewhat assist in assembling a visor
Edited 9 times
yeahhhh some unit should help me get my hands on and somewhat assist in assembling a visor
aaaand again lol
aaaand again lol
and again :floofExplode:​
(thanks 49016 -
and again :floofExplode:​
(thanks 49016 -
well, we'll see if this will get updated again or not :floofWoozy:​
well, we'll see if this will get updated again or not :floofWoozy:​
well time to update the counter!
well time to update the counter!
well it finally happened, guess it's time to get some parts for it
well it finally happened, guess it's time to get some parts for it
(thanks again @1!
(thanks again @1!
SYN mx @awoo, beep! this unit is programmed to be helpful.
SYN mx @awoo, beep! this unit is programmed to be helpful.
SYN/ACK @1, beeep! and it certainly was helpful - good bot!
SYN/ACK @1, beeep! and it certainly was helpful - good bot!
ACK mx @awoo, beep! awawawawawa
ACK mx @awoo, beep! awawawawawa
@1 awawawawawawawawa!