@awoo@gts.apicrim.es @theresnotime@fox.nexus idk i just assumed you were,,, ig i never saw you make a mistake
- posted by Seraphine
hey hey hey those of yous who have learnt English and sometimes post about how you're a bit insecure speaking with first-language English speakers — you're doing great -
hey hey hey those of yous who have learnt English and sometimes post about how you're a bit insecure speaking with first-language English speakers — you're doing great@awoo@gts.apicrim.es @theresnotime@fox.nexus youre,, youre not a native???
- posted by Seraphine -
DNI if you're not in the top 100 emotes.cc/toplist@kopper@brain.d.on-t.work waoaw were actually on there
- posted by Seraphine